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Buying a home can be exciting. But, what if your home inspector misses the mold or major structural issues with the property, and it turns into a money pit nightmare? The good news is you can avoid it.

Here are six tips on how to get the odds in your favour as much as possible.

1) Because they’re not allowed to cause damage, the best inspector can miss serious problems. Be aware of that.

2) The seller may be deliberately hiding problems. Look for fresh paint and fresh drywall in odd places, especially basements.

3) Hire the inspector yourself, instead of letting your real estate agent recommend someone – best if they have been in the industry for a long time, have a resume with a construction background, and come highly recommended.

4) Read the inspector’s report – since you will be paying the bill for the property inspection, be present during the inspection process, pay attention and ask a lot of questions.  You’ll be surprised how many buyers simply just pay for an inspection and wait for the report.

5) Pay a lot of attention to the inspector’s background. Home inspectors are regulated in BC, but in any case, consumer research is vital. It’s advisable to opt for someone with a background in the building trades. A good plumber, electrician, or anybody that’s worked in residential construction for a number of years would be a good fit.

6) Don’t let your heart rule your head just yet. This isn’t the time for a nesting instinct to take over. This is a time to be hard and suspicious, again ask lots of questions.

Although an inspection isn’t foolproof, keeping these six tips in mind can help you seal the deal and help you avoid a costly lemon.
